Saturday, June 6, 2009


A lot of people are scared to try new things. Basically, they are afraid to get out of their comfort zone. They are afraid to change what they are used to because they are afraid that it would only result to something worse.

If everybody had this type of mindset, nobody would enjoy the type of technology we have now. We are created to change and adapt to change. We need to be able to realize that change could either kill you or make you better and the choice is actually yours to make. The world evolves day after day. It evolves into something that may be a little bit scary but if we learn how to live with it much better if we learn how to benefit from it, we'll be more than survivors.

In the book "Who moved my cheese?" The tiny humans got used to having their cheese in a certain corner of the maze that when the cheese was moved somewhere else, it resulted to panic. This is much like people getting used to how their life works today. Many are trapped in regular paying jobs, afraid to go out there without a retirement plan and medical benefits. Afraid to not rely on their employers. Afraid of independence.

I see things differently. I will never be somebody or the person that I would like to become unless I act on it. God gave me the ability to understand that change is good and I can adapt to it. Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad was right when he said that it makes no sense to work for something that you will not eventually own or leave to your kids.

Every person is a massive source of resource and our ability to make things happen and to process things aren't really given to benefit other people. Your skills and capabilities are being taken advantage of by people who pay you to be your employer. Those people are the smart players. You don't even know them but you work for them. They let their money work for them and they don't let money or anyone enslave them. They are free and they are independent.

Yes yes, you might say that you know that already. Hey, the road there is never easy. Remember the parable in the Bible where the master left his slaves coins? The one that was rewarded was the one who invested it into something and doubled it before his master came back. The one who kept it and let it remain as it is did not get any recognition as well. Our mindset should be like that. We should not be afraid of risks or losing. We should not be afraid to try new things and we should never be afraid to get out of our comfort zone.

You will notice that whenever you get out of your comfort zone and try new things, that new thing will eventually become comfortable enough for you to move to another new thing. Unless you go out there and expose yourself to the risks of life, you'll never know what it's like to lose. Yes, you'll never know what it's like to lose and with this very same note, you'll never know what it's like to really WIN as well.

So get yourself out there! Step forward and widen your space. Do not be afraid to fail because every failure brings you so much closer to success. Getting rich is not a one shot deal, it's your drive to get there that will get you there. There is no such thing as giving up with people that has their goals clearly set in their minds. Let's move towards it one step at a time.


See you all at the top.

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